Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I didn't see that one coming...

Yesterday I got out of school early because I had a doctors appointment. When I got there the doctor was late. So I got out my iPod and started singing really loud to try to calm my nerves. I'm not a good singer so my mom got mad at me and told me to stop. I never completely calmed myself down. I had to get five shots!! Stupid doctors why can't they just let me kill over? (It was manditory I'm not dying) I don't know if any of you will know what this is but in the USA they have a commercial for a shot called Gardisil and they made me get that! For any of you thinking about getting that don't do it! It hurt like hell! So anyway the doctor finally came and she was like which arm do you write with? I was kinda thinking to myself "Shouldn't that be written down somewhere?" I told her my left hand so she gave me three shots in my right arm. After the first on I started to feel really sick then when the 3rd one came everything went black. I started to dream but my dreams were really F-ed up. It was like I was watching people talk it was weird. And at the same time I knew I was passed out. I heard my mom say "It looks like she's having a seisure" then I woke up. They said I was only down for a few seconds but it felt like alot longer than that! So they moved to my left arm and gave me the other two shots. I knew it was coming and I was seriously pissed off about too. I passed out again I had F-ed up dreams again and now I felt like crap and both my arms hurt! WTF? That was so uncool. That's never happened to me before. BTW I wasn't having a seisure it was apparently normal for me to shake a little bit when I pass out. So that was my brilliant day and the doctors and my arms still hurt really bad.