Monday, February 9, 2009


I'm so sorry I haven't posted in forever!! Please forgive me! I have been completely busy and depressed and so much stuff I don't know how to describe. So please forgive me. Now that I'm done begging for mercy at your keyboard I can try to catch you up on the millions of things that have happended and brain cells I've wasted.

1. My dog got really sick and I had to take her to the vet. She got a hematoma in her ear and had an ear infection. So long story shorter we had to squirt this stuff in her ears and clean them out and stuff. I was at my grandparents house for Christmas and we got a bunch of people to hold her down I had the honor of squirting the goo in her ears. She did not like that very much so she scratched my arm up really bad and it took it a month to heal. So now I have 5 really bad scratches on my arm and people at school walk up to me and are like "Why did you cut yourself?"....."If you cut youself you'll die".....and my personal favorite...."Oh, I didn't know your dog scratched you I thought you cut youself." Yep life just keeps getting better and better isn't it thrilling?
2. I still love Tokio Hotel and I've learned alot more German. I can stay stuff like my name and even though I hate coffee and I can't order coffee I can say I want milk in my coffee. I can also say a whole bunch of other useless things that I would only use is if I was completely drunk. But I can't drink so this internal argument is pointless.
3. I don't know what to do with myself. I'm really depressed half the time and the other half I just want to sleep for a week. I should be doing my homework right now but I'm not. I failed spanish class it makes more sense since I've been studying german though. Where is the logic in that? Maybe I'm crazy and they have some twelve step program and I can be cured! Or I could just be like the rest of us driven to madness by the worlds stupidity. Anyone who is on this website has to have some sense to them. Thats what I think anyway because if you could just read the writing you would know that we've all pretty much been used or screwed over. Litterally or metaphorically. I know this doesn't apply to everyone but to most people. I could be wrong. I don't think I am.
I've got a book of poems that I want to get published one day. I just wanted to share that. One of the reasons I haven't posted in two months is I really really wanted to make sure my dad didn't have the address to this website. If he has it he hasn't said anything. So for now I'm safe to live another day. This wasn't a very interesting post sorry about that.